Poplar Tree Listing
This list describes the Poplar (Populus) trees that we generally grow in our bare root nursery. Due to vagaries of production and demand however not all of the trees listed here will be available every year.
For the current list of trees available for the coming winter please go to the 'Price List'. This is updated in March or April each year.
For more information about bareroot trees please see the 'About Bareroot Trees' page.
Please enquire if the tree you are looking for is not listed - we may be able to help.
Hybrid Cottonwood Poplar
Populus deltoides x nigra
Exceptionally to 20m.* Our best selling tree. Handsome, tall, modestly broad, rewardingly fast tree of few vices. Top avenue specimen with autumn yellows. This species of Poplar is non-suckering although disturbance of the roots can initiate shoots at damage points. At its best on moist soils though reasonably able to survive dry conditions once established in which case seasonal leaf fall may be premature.Euphrates Poplar
Populus euphratica
Up to 18m.* Often mistaken for a Red River Gum (but deciduous with a nice autumn yellow) this tree is something of a cross between a willow and a poplar. Heat, waterlogging and salt tolerant. Suckers profusely so should only be planted with saltland reclamation or soil erosion in mind. Foliage can be a useful stock fodder.Lombardy Poplar
Populus nigra italica
Up to 25m.*The old favourite narrow pencil shaped poplar. A classic for formal avenue planting with nice yellow autumn colour. Although it does sucker, these (like most tree suckers) can be controlled in grazed or mowed areas. Fast growing they build character with age being able to live well in excess of a hundred years.Simon’s Poplar
Populus simonii
10 to 13m exceptionally up to 20m.* Non suckering Chinese poplar, tall and narrow whilst young but broadens with age into a tidy and charming tree with pendulous branching. Glossy dark green diamond shaped leaves with silver underside. Demands a moist position to look good in our climate.

Tree Nursery Tree Consultancy
Postal Address: PO Box 21 Balingup Western Australia 6253
Telephone/Fax: 08 9764 1113
Email: Contact