Elm Tree Listing
This list describes the Elm (Ulmus) trees that we generally grow in our bare root nursery. Due to vagaries of production and demand however not all of the trees listed here will be available every year.
For the current list of trees available for the coming winter please go to the 'Price List'. This is updated in March or April each year.
For more information about bareroot trees please see the 'About Bareroot Trees' page.
Please enquire if the tree you are looking for is not listed - we may be able to help.
Chinese Elm
Ulmus chinensis
7-8m exceptionally 12m.* A tough semi-evergreen tree with small glossy leaves and open graceful habit with somewhat pendulous spreading branches.. Late autumn colour in cooler districts. This tree is moderately fast growing, very reliable and once established adapts well to drier conditions. A great summer shade tree and although it holds onto some of its leaves it still allows the winter sun through. The colourful grey and orange mottled bark is an outstanding feature of this tree as it matures. Responds well to pruning and can be used for topiary. Needs good drainage but tolerates compaction, restricted root zones and urban pollution.Golden Elm
Ulmus procera “Louis van Houtte”
10-12m exceptionally 20m.*This impressive tree has splendid foliage contrast to set off any landscape. Beginning with pale lime green leaves in spring and then bright yellow green leaves all summer it falls into a rich yellow for autumn. With a wide spreading habit it can be a great shade or feature tree when it has space to grow. Spreading and upright when young it tends to fill out the lower branches with age. Performs best in cool moist well drained soils with high organic content but will tolerate warmer areas if there is ample summer moisture. The Elms are among the best of fire retardant species and make suitable street trees as they are hardy to pollution.Japanese Elm
Zelkova serrata
10m exceptionally 12m.* An elegant and graceful tree, the 'Zelkova' is a relatively tough specimen adaptable to many circumstances. It turns later in autumn than most species, which makes it a good choice for extending the duration of the autumn colour in your landscape. When young, Japanese Elm tend to grow with an upright/'vasse' form. Later they tend to spread wider with age. An excellent shade tree.

Tree Nursery Tree Consultancy
Postal Address: PO Box 21 Balingup Western Australia 6253
Telephone/Fax: 08 9764 1113
Email: Contact