Ornamental Tree Varieties Listing
This list describes more ornamental varieties that we generally grow in our bare root nursery. Due to vagaries of production and demand however not all of the trees listed here will be available every year.
For the current list of trees available for the coming winter please go to the 'Price List'. This is updated in March or April each year.
For more information about bareroot trees please see the 'About Bareroot Trees' page.
Please enquire if the tree you are looking for is not listed - we may be able to help.
Silver Birch
Betula pendula
5-6m exceptionally to 9m.* “Ladies of the woods” Coleridge the poet name them.....Graceful lithe small to medium tree which is best planted in groups to create an impact. Stunning white trunk with a cascading elegant crown and fine weeping branches.Impressive all year round with its dainty leaves fluttering even in the slightest of breezes this tree has some of the purest gold autumn foliage. Once dormant it creates an interesting silhouette, with its catkins and the leafless crown taking on a purple tinge in the winter sun. Non invasive roots mean they can be a great lawn or garden bed trees. Will grow well in a number of conditions as long as there is ample summer moisture.Kurrajong
Brachychiton populneusUp to 13 m.* This handsome, iconic evergreen native is drought resistant. A solid trunk flaring at the base is characteristic of the Kurrajong. A useful landscape tree this is one of the few natives with a formal shape and bright green foliage. Sprays of pretty creamy bell flowers with crimson spots are replaced by canoe shaped seed pods as the flowers fade. A very tough tree growing naturally on poor soils and rocky slopes this tree will grow in most positions as long as it is not heavy clay with poor drainage. Preferring an open sunny position these trees make a great ornament in large gardens and an impressive statement as an avenue. They're also a useful farm tree in the drier regions.
Indian Bean Tree
Catalpa bignonoides
10-12m exceptionally to 15m.* The Catalpa shares with its cousin the Paulowia the characteristics of showy floral displays and a luxuriant shady canopy but is a more robust tree that is tolerant of wet soils. This tree has a lush tropical appearance so it is surprising that it originates from the northern hemisphere. The creamy "foxglove-like" flowers with purple spotting appear in summer, leaving clusters of long slender beans and its large velvety heart shaped leaves turn yellow in autumn. Mature trees are often wider than they are high with large spreading branches and are useful shade tree for parks or large gardens. Tolerant of any well drained soils this sun and moisture loving tree is not ideal for windy sites. Rumoured to be a good marron feeder.Judas Tree
Cercis siliquastrum
4-5 m exceptionally to 8m.* Sometimes marketed as the “Love Tree” because of its distinctive blue green heart shaped leaves. A small tough drought and heat resistant tree from the Eastern Mediterranean.Masses of startling rosy- lilac pea flowers along the bare branches in spring before the leaves unfurl. This is a pretty tree for small gardens or courtyards but is also suitable for parks and street locations. Planted in groups would create a stunning seasonal feature. Its rather intricate twisted habit makes it to be a slow growing living sculpture. Best positioned in full sun it’s not essential for the soil to be rich but it must be well drained.Washington Thorn
Crataegus phaenopyrum
Up to 5m.* A handsome slow thorny little tree and surprisingly hardy in WA. Famous for its glossy vine shaped leaves that colours brilliant shades of red. Through spring the tree is lost in a cloud of snow-white flowers and then in autumn the fruits or berries start to colour scarlet.Possibly the best of all the hawthorns it is hardy and deserves wider use as a small shade tree for gardens parks or streets. Can also be planted close together and pruned accordingly to create a hedge or screen. The tree attracts bees, butterflies and birds and has great ornamental attributes for each season of the year. Prefers moist, well-drained soils in full sun, but is tolerant of poor and compacted soils, drought, heat, and coastal sites.Coral Tree
Erythina x sykesii
12m exceptionally 18m.* A fast growing, spreading and tough tree, famous for its bright orange-scarlet flowers on bare branches in late winter and early spring. Featuring large bright green leaves this tree also creates a lush shady retreat and from the harsh summer heat. Tolerating any well drained soil, second line salt and warm conditions this tree is ideal for coastal climates. A hybrid that was first discovered here, its exact parentage is unknown but it is often referred to as the Australian Coral Tree. A somewhat old fashioned tree that is possibly making a comeback due to its hardiness. It prefers full sun and summer moisture although once established seems to handle both moist and dry soils remarkably well. This tree is frost sensitive and needs adequate room for it to grow to its full potential.
Maidenhair Tree
Gingko biloba
Up to 25m.* A survivor from prehistoric times, this is a truly special tree in the botanical world as it is a living fossil from over 200 million years ago. It is unknown whether it still survives in the wild, but due to it being so revered, it has lived on through cultivation. A very beautiful tree boasting unusual lime green leaves like the maidenhair fern it has an erect habit with elegantly showering upper branches. Perhaps its best moment is when its wing shaped leaves flutter into a rich butter colour in autumn. Needs well drained soils and lots of nutrients especially in its establishment phase. Very long lived but only a moderate grower this tree has extraordinary resilience to the toughest of pollutions and reflective concrete urban situations. The female fruits that are an ancient roasted delicacy do put out an offensive odour so the male trees are more suited to highly populated areas. Gingko is also widely used in herbal medicines.Gleditsia “Sunburst”
Gleditsia. triacanthos“Sunburst”
10-12m exceptionally to 18m.* An excellent street and lawn tree with delicate ferny foliage its springtime yellow leafing becomes dark green by summer before turning golden in autumn. Adaptable to a wide soil range they prefer full sun and are wet and dry site tolerant once established. A cultivar of the Honey Locust, this tree bears no thorns or seed pods. With a distinctive horizontal branching habit its stems have a zig-zag pattern and it tends to grow nearly as wide as it is tall. Small dainty leaves on the open canopy allow pleasantly dappled light to reach the ground and enable planting underneath. They are a good tree for use where you want to see beyond and through the canopy and therefore are not the best fire retardant. Whilst being only moderately hardy to salt and sea spray they are tough against wind and urban pollution. Sunburst’s do have a shallow rooting system and can heave concrete and sidewalks if not given enough room.Liquidambar
Liquidambar stryaciflua
15m exceptionally to 20m.* One of the finest and very popular famously autumn colouring tree. Amber is just one of the tones this tree may produce; crimson, bronze, purple, gold and green can also be displayed for long periods over Autumn. With its lush and bright green almost star shaped leaves these trees can also be a striking summer feature. The branches carry layers of corked bark and the insignificant flowers are followed by interesting spiky rounded seed capsules through winter. Starts life as an upright ‘pyramidical’ youngster maturing over (a long) time into a large and spreading specimen. It thrives in paved areas, or as a street, park or larger garden tree. Hardy, adaptable and moderate grower if well watered. Needs full sun and will grow in coastal areas as long as sea spray is very minimal.
White Cedar
Melia azedarach
8-12m exceptionally 20m.* A tough deciduous tree native to WA (the Kimberly) and to northern and eastern Australia. Heavenly sprays of scented lilac flowers in spring and golden late autumn display in cooler districts. An outstanding fire retardant and widely adaptable hardy and fast growing tree that provides deep cool summer shade. Also known as Cape Lilac it is not used nowadays as much as it should be, familiarity perhaps breeding contempt. A mass of berries turning from green to yellow as the summer progresses hang on the tree glistening on the bare branches well into winter. The berries are mildly toxic to humans and pigs but birds seem to enjoy them. Much of the tree including the berries is used in alternative medicine for a range of ailments. In rural areas the berries don’t even fall to the ground for parrots break up the berries before they ripen. Melia will grow in any soil but is particularly useful in dry, semi arid conditions although it will withstand mild frost conditions. Only in tropical parts will it become a tall tree.Tupelo
Nyssa sylvatica
12-15m exceptionally to 18m.* An unsurpassed autumn display of purple, red, orange, yellow and green, means the rare Tupelo deserves much wider use. A magnificent specimen tree with pyramidal shaped it is very distinctive with almost completely horizontal branches. The botanical name Nyssa refers to the water nymph in Greek mythology. Living up to its name the Tupelo flourishes near water. Poorly draining swampy wet soils being its favourite, this tree will tolerate a wider range of conditions as longs there is adequate access to water and good soil. Will not tolerate soil compaction and high levels of urban pollution or wind. Avoid pruning this tree as it will spoil its natural architectural shape.Paulownia
Paulownia fortuneii
8-10m exceptionally to 15m.* Extremely fast growth, good shade and spectacular spring flowering make this a rewarding tree when grown in the right conditions.Spikes of lovely cream and lilac fox glove like flowers adorn the bare branches in spring and make for the most lovely effect. Huge lush velvety heart shaped leaves particularly large in younger plants make for a tropical feel. Where space permits a mass planting will create a dramatic show. It is very intolerant of excessive hot dry winds and poor drainage -demanding a metre or more of free draining soil and then abundant moisture at its roots (although shallower soils will be tolerated on sloping ground). Tolerates coastal atmosphere.Chinese Pistachio
Pistachio Chinensis
7-8 m exceptionally 13m.* A small to medium sized round crowned ornamental tree with stunning scarlet/red/orange autumn colour even in warm districts. Tough and easily established it is one of the best tree choices for streets, parks or gardens as an elegant no fuss landscape tree.Provides a rich green glossy foliage and deep shade throughout summer and an extended show of colour throughout autumn. Can grow on hot dry sites once established and is suitable for almost any soil. Its moderate size and non invasive root systems reduce destruction and increase its popularity in urban planning. Although a Pistachio, its seed is too small to be useful as an edible nut.Golden Robinia
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘frisia’
Up to 12m x 6m.*A beautiful medium sized tree with showering golden foliage in both spring and autumn and almost fluorescent green leaves in summer. Long lasting flowering with huge umbels of white pea flowers in summer make this a flamboyant tree which can make a brave statement when massed.This robust fast-growing tree likes full sun in fertile, moist soil, but it will tolerate poor, dry soils,moderate air pollution and coastal areas.It has brittle branches, so it needs shelter from strong winds. Provide deep watering to encourage roots to grow deep and ensure roots don’t get damaged to prevent any suckering. Avoid waterlogging.Swamp Cypress
Taxodium distichum
10-12m exceptionally 20m.* An unusual long living conifer that is not evergreen but loses its leaves in winter after turning a brazen red/orange. They grow so close to sea level in Florida that they spends so much of the year inundated by semi-estuarine water that they produces roots that grow above the ground and poke above the water to allow the tree to breathe. A splendid specimen tree for water features.Wisteria
Wisteria sinensis
Up to 7m.* A deciduous extremely vigorous climber from China famous for an abundance of delicate mauve flower that hang attractively in clusters throughout spring. Also provides a gorgeous golden yellow show of leaves in autumn. Can be trained to climb in almost any fashion but also may be pruned and supported to create a tree like shape with a twining trunk and flat shaped canopy. Can tolerate shade but requires at least partial sun to flower well and is drought tolerant once established. Needs annual pruning to keep it in control and all parts of the plant are mildly poisonous if ingested.

Tree Nursery Tree Consultancy
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Telephone/Fax: 08 9764 1113
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